Cuisine Absolut Curry Cue-2
On all tickets under 19.99
0 $
On all tickets over 19.99
0 $

Create your Food Event

Create a food event such as Curry Cue's, Bar-B-Que's, Cake Sales, Product viewings and more by using Cuisine Absolut's
Event Manager form. Your event will show within 24 hours after being created.

Advanced Ticketing System

Set event price, quantity, date, time, address, deadline and allow unique tracking for all tickets
purchased for your event.

Recurring Events

Set daily ,weekly, monthly or yearly recurring events to create awareness and gain
regular customers.

Multiple Payment Options

Creating your event on Cuisine Absolut may allow you to reach new customers and you should provide
them with several ways to pay. Allow customers to pay via credit or debit cards, cheque or via online banking and all earnings
will be transferred to you the day before your event.